Growth Group Interest Form - Fall 2024

Redeemer Church Growth Groups are small, regular gatherings of people, from all different ages and stages of life, meeting together to grow in faith and friendship.  

Growth Groups typically launch in the Fall and Spring.  On this form you can find a group that works with your schedule including area of town, night of the week and whether childcare is available.

Please fill out the information below so we can best connect you to a group. 
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


Redeemer Church Growth Groups are small, regular gatherings of people, from all different ages and stages of life, meeting together to grow in faith and friendship.  

Growth Groups typically launch in the Fall and Spring.  On this form you can find a group that works with your schedule including area of town, night of the week and whether childcare is available.

Please fill out the information below so we can best connect you to a group.